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Safeguarding Adults


County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust are committed to the principles of the Care Act of 2015, which sets out a clear legal framework for organisations to protect vulnerable adults who are at risk of abuse or neglect.

The act creates a legal framework for key organisations and individuals with responsibilities for adult safeguarding, to agree on how they must work together and what roles they must play, to keep adults at risk safe. This gives the safeguarding adults board a clear basis in law.


County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust services are covered by two Safeguarding Partnerships:

County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust are a partner of :

  • County Durham Safeguarding Adults Inter Agency Partnership   and the
  • Darlington Safeguarding Partnership (Protecting Children and Adults).

The Safeguarding Boards are statutory bodies that set the strategic direction for safeguarding. As a trust, CDDFT sign up to policies and procedures put in place by the Safeguarding Boards.

The partnerships are responsible for protecting and promoting an adult's right to live an independent life in safety, free from abuse and neglect from within County Durham and Darlington.


There are many forms of abuse

  • Physical abuse - for example, being hit, slapped or punched.
  • Psychological or emotional abuse - for example, intimidation, threats of harm or controlling behaviour.
  • Sexual abuse - for example indecent exposure, rape, sexual harassment or sexual acts where an adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting.
  • Financial or material abuse - for example, misuse of someone's money, possessions or property.
  • Domestic abuse - can include some or all of the above and also includes so-called honour-based violence.
  • Neglect - for example, not providing necessary food, clothing, shelter or medical care.
  • Self-neglect - for example, someone neglecting their own personal hygiene, health and surroundings.
  • Modern slavery - for example, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude.
  • Organisational abuse - for example, neglect and poor practice within a setting such as a care home or hospital, or in relation to care provided at home.
  • Discriminatory abuse - for example harrassment because of race, gender, age, disability, sexuality or religion


Reporting suspected acts of abuse - don't tolerate it, don't ignore it, do report it!

You can report serious abuse and neglect to the police by calling 999 in an emergency.

If you are worried or want to talk to someone about any form of abuse described above, contact your local Social Care Direct service. The contact details can be found within the links below.

Durham -

 Darlington -




'I have to compliment everyone on their pleasant persona and their expertise and knowledge. By the end of the 5 days, I did not feel as though I had been in a hospital ward and was very relaxed.'

Patient, Ward 16 Orthopaedics, University Hospital of North Durham