The Guardian of Safe Working Hours for County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust is Dr Avinash Kapoor, Consultant Anaesthetist.
Dr Avinash Kapoor, Consultant Anaesthetist
I am responsible for protecting the safeguards outlined in the 2016 Terms and Conditions for doctors in training. As Guardian, I will work with trainees to address compliance of safe working hours, as they arise, and provide assurances to the Trust board that junior doctors are safely rostered and are working safe hours.
I will:
Junior doctors also have a personal responsibility to ensure they are fit and safe to work and do not work excessive hours outside their main employment.
I also need your help to participate in a Junior Doctor Forum that will help oversee and monitor compliance with safe working hours and in addition help provide valuable insights and advice on how we can change and shape junior doctor's rotas. For further information on the forum, please contact
If you would like to discuss any issues around working hours I am happy to be contacted by email-
The Medical Education Quality Rota Team consists of Lydia Mein and Rosie Rouell and they can be contacted via email at:
The team are available to help with all of your queries in relation to your rota template, exception reporting and the Junior Doctor contract.
Rota Rules
V11 NHS Doctor And Dentist in Training T&C
BMA Code of Practice
Pay and conditions Circular MD 3/2021
Link to Employee Online
Exception reporting is a key protection under the 2016 contract allowing live reporting when your work varies from your work schedule.
The Terms and Conditions define exception reporting as:
"The mechanism used by doctors to inform the employer when their day-to-day work varies significantly and/or regularly from the agreed work schedule" T&C 2016
Reports should be submitted within the timescales mandated in the contract:
'Care received was fantastic and I was very well looked after and very impressed.'
Patient, Day Surgery, Darlington Memorial Hospital